Take A Tour St Mary's College
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Through the Gates of... St Mary's College
Open Night Video
Welcome to St Mary's College
Take A Tour
Take A Tour St Mary's College
Welcome to

Principal's Welcome

As Principal of St. Mary’s College Dundalk, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our college website. We thank you for taking the time to visit. We hope the website will reflect the vibrancy, strength and confidence of our college community at this important time in our history. Our new school build with its state of the art facilities holds the promise of an exciting future built on the traditions and rich legacy of our Marist past.

The dignity of and respect for the person is the hallmark of all relationships in St. Mary’s College and ensures a positive and familial educational experience for all. Underpinned by a professional, committed and dedicated staff, we provide a holistic education built on the highest standards where every student matters. We are an achieving college which inspires and challenges our students to become their ‘best self’ and to grow and mature in a safe and nurturing environment. Our purpose is to foster and develop moral, caring and diligent students who are dedicated to their learning, while also committed and participative young citizens in society.

Marist Life

In St Mary’s College, we strive to promote the personal potential and uniqueness of each young person through high quality teaching and learning. Students are supported and challenged to reach their potential in the classroom and this is supported by a wide range of extra-curricular activities.


The commitment and hard work of our students is celebrated constantly throughout the college social media, year group prize giving and the annual Prize Night ceremony.

Extra Curricular Activities

With our extensive playing grounds and facilities, sport and extra-curricular activities will always be central to life in the Marist and the fundamental to the holistic education that we offer. Extra-curricular activities promote multiple transferable skills.

Marist Events


Marist 5km Run/ Walk

7:00 pm - 8:00 pmst. Mary’s College

Sister Act

7:00 pm - 7:00 pmAn Táin Arts Centre


8:00 am - 5:00 pm