Skating Champion Jenna Downing launches Sky Living for Sports initiative in school


There was great excitement in St Mary’s College when the world’s top female inline skating champion, Jenna Downing, visited.

Jenna met first year students and the 16 students who were randomly selected to participate in the ‘Sky Living for Sports’ programme.

Jenna is an Athlete Mentor for Sky Sports Living for Sports, a secondary schools initiative that uses sport stars and sport skills to boost confidence, change behaviours, increase attainment and improve life skills.

Throughout the programme students will engage in a number of activities developing a range of skills that can be applied to their personal and school life.

Jenna highlighted the importance of sport to the Marist students ‘Sport has impacted on my life massively and I know that without sport I wouldn’t be the person that I am today,’ she said.

‘I’ve been lucky enough to make amazing friends and receive some fantastic opportunities. Sport has given me the motivation, drive and courage to push myself and be the best person that I can be.’

A natural competitor, Jenna has competed in rollerblading events since she was eight years of age and has amassed a lifetime of awards competing across the globe in televised and major international events.

After turning pro at the age 12, Jenna has gone on to become an institution in British rollerblading, along with her international and world success she has been ten times British Champion. Her visit was inspirational and memorable for the students.