On Friday morning, Fifth and sixth year students were greeted by past pupil Sharon Lennon who is the Deputy Director of United Nations Policy in the Department of Foreign Affairs and trade. Her colleague Raymond Mullen gave an introduction on the Global Ireland programme and the ambition to double Ireland’s impact in the world by 2025.
Ms Sharon Lennon spoke about her background, career in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the varied work of the Department at home and abroad. This touched on the work of Ireland’s Embassy network, the importance of the UN and Ireland’s membership and Ireland’s Irish Aid programme. Additional insight and information was provided by Deputy Secretary General, Brendan Rogers, who is the second highest ranking diplomat in the Department.
Sergeant Hodgins spoke on Ireland’s unbroken 60 years of UN peacekeeping and the importance of the Defence Forces contribution to global peace and security and had everyone intrigued by his stories from past peacekeeping missions.
Sergeant Hodgins presented the charter and raised the UN flag.